Friday 16 March 2012

RSA// STAMP IT - Design Sheets

Feedback from Critique:

Theme:  Wide Range of idea's that are quite varied.
Clear:  Not completely sure which way it is going yet but plenty of things thought about.  Like the plastic bag idea, Wide range target audience, just need to focus.
Visuals:  Lots of illustrations, like the idea of the stamp templates.

A lot of research and idea's
Makes sense visually

How will the information/message fit into the small space with text?
Great concept - explore primary colours to highlight child aspect further.
Explore hand drawn british illustrators to connect the children's toy with the illustrations on the stamps.

There is no set theme, there are a couple of concepts.
The only thing that stands out as clear is the re-using things.
Very visual and detailed

Theme:  Unclear set idea, however strong initial idea's
Produce more visuals, then develop one idea and concept
Illustration theme could work well, needs developing
Donate unwanted toys? Interesting concept - unique and original

Re-use toys idea is quite cool and unique
Save the tree's is a cool idea.  Tree's would be good visually as you can recognize them straight away.

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