Monday 8 April 2013

Batiste // Design Sheets

Below are my design sheets for each identity I have came up with.  The illustrations here will hopefully form the majority of my designs and I will draw anything else I might need along the way.  I have drawn up multiple illustrations to give me room to experiment digitally to see what looks best.

Batiste for Men

Batiste for Men is my 'risky' fragrance/ identity.  I think there is definitely a market out there for dry shampoo for men, perhaps not as large as for women however.  To back this up I found an article about it written by a male which is on my DC blog.  Also I know lots of men who spend longer doing their hair than me!  When drawing up the illustrations I have stuck to mostly sporty things because I think men may use it most after playing sports, and football mainly played by males.

Batiste Freedom

Birds, especially swallows are a common motif in fashion at the minute and as batiste is quite a trendy product I have tried to stick to what is fashionable.

The snippet of information on the design sheet says:

Freedom for your hair, let it down, let it be free.  There's a lot of talk about freedom at the moment, freedom of speech, freedom to express yourself through appearance.  What better represents freedom than birds?

Batiste for Festivals

It's coming up to Summer and lots of people are getting excited about festivals.  Very popular in Summer is Festival Fashion, all the magazines and shops fill with tie dye, dungarees, wellies and flowery headbands etc, so why not have batiste for festivals?  With British weather and spending 4 days in a field, this product will be considered necessary for lots of girls/women.

Batiste Holiday Hair

To keep your hair looking good in the heat, just use Batiste between washes.  Batiste is also good for styling your hair, so it means you can pack less!

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